Suggestions for improving the forum

I think that a new discourse forum still needs some getting accustomed, and some other settings tunning.

Can i create a few issues with ideas about settings, themes and plugins which i suggest you could use?

Yes, sure.

I may have deleted some of your posts when I had to restore the forum from a backup due to several failed attempts to import posts from

@TheBestPessimist @towerbr would you like to be a moderator? anyone else?

OMG YES! :sob:


I meanโ€ฆ i would :blush:. Not sure about @towerbr :stuck_out_tongue:.

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Yes, after having offered my help several times, I guess itโ€™s time to make it real. :sunglasses:

Congrats for having gotten the forum setup! :+1: And even the old posts are imported! :tada:

One thing Iโ€™d like to suggest right away is to set discourse narrative bot welcome post delay (in site settings) to 60 seconds or so. That way, people will not be greeted by a black screen right after sign-up.

You migh also want to consider renaming the bot. Perhaps to duplibot?


I apologize for not being able to give you 2 likes :stuck_out_tongue:

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@TheBestPessimist @towerbr @Christoph you are now moderators! Thank you for helping out!