Chunk xxx can't be found


I copied my backup (on Gdrive) to Dropbox (with rclone) and back to another Gdrive. I’ve reconfigured it to the new location.
But now when I run ‘duplicacy check -a’:

duplicacy check -a
Storage set to gcd://xxxxxxx
Listing all chunks
1 snapshots and 154 revisions
Total chunk size is 68,762M in 19025 chunks
Chunk b8905a61b0c3fd27b60c053c351fc517d8dfacd988b122329ce0b577e94c28ee can't be found

I’ve grep’d the whole .duplicacy directory for the chunk in the prune-logs, but it’s not there…

And I have no idea in which revision this chunk appears…

Then I removed the cache and the old preferences file to run ‘duplicacy init’.

duplicacy init acer gcd://xxx -e
The storage 'gcd://xxx' has already been initialized
Compression level: 100
Average chunk size: 4194304
Maximum chunk size: 16777216
Minimum chunk size: 1048576
Chunk seed: 1b2f9f1cc0b7b2bd4a4c47f40f9a9ec80ee849df373d3422870bb779a06e53a0

Afterwards it prints the same ‘chunk can’t be found’ as above but with another chunk id. Why?

duplicacy version 2.7.1

Did you mean you used rclone (not duplicacy copy) to copy from Dropbox to Gdrive? Can you find the missing chunks in the Dropbox storage (under the chunks directory)?

Thanks for replying.
Yes that’s correct. There are no missing chunks in the dropbox storage.

If a chunk exists in the dropbox storage but not in the Gdrive storage, it must be the rclone command that didn’t copy the chunk correctly, right?

No!! everything synced perfectly.

The rclone command should copy the entire chunks directory recursively. Does the missing chunk exist in the Gdrive storage?

No it doesn’t, I think it never existed. Both storages have the same size.

Can you run a check job on the Dropbox storage and if it reports missing chunks, follow this guide to fix it?