Does this upload to Backblaze B2 seem slow - 10 MB/s?

I am running a copy of an existing backup on my unraid NAS to backblaze B2 and it’s capping around 10-11 MB/s

I have a 1 gig fiber connection, does this seem slow ?

I verified my speed up with the NAS around 900 megs , tested with the speed tracker container in the NAS.

Here is how I scheduled the job.

Speed test results

That’s expected single thread performance to Backblaze. I believe they write in the docs somewhere that users can expect about 10Mbps (or 10MBps, don’t remember) per thread.

The copy command supports -threads parameter: copy · gilbertchen/duplicacy Wiki · GitHub

They specifying e.g. 50 threads and see if that scales.

roger that, I was trying to search their site and see what I could find on the subject. Once this current job finishes in 10 hours, I will change the thread from 4 to 50. Unless you think its ok to stop the job now and restart it at 50 threads.

this is my CPU in unraid - Intel® Core™ i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz

I image I can’t even run 50 threads if I tried. Am I right if the CPU only has 8 cores and can only handle 8 threads the max threads I can set is 8 ?

Yes, it’s ok to stop and restart.

Upload is very lightweight load. Single cpu core can handle way more than fifty upload threads.

I would keep increasing number of threads until the upload speed stops improving.

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I made this change, the speed increased, not sure if I am leverage all the threads or not. When I look up my CPU it says it maxes at 8 threads.

When you created a task, confirm you have selected Copy and not Backup.

I am actually asking about that over here. I just hit run on the backup screen with no options ( opps )

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