I found no way to use Dropbox storage as we did in the OSX standalone version?
Looking in the web user guide i see when you add a storage that there’s a “More” button. Doesn’t that have dropbox inside?
We have only Microsoft OneDrive, OpenStack Swift and WebDav in this list. At least in Mac OS Chrome the list is not scrollable?
FWIW I don’t see a Dropbox storage option in my instance of the web UI either.
The web GUI doesn’t support Dropbox. Mostly because Dropbox did poorly in GitHub - gilbertchen/cloud-storage-comparison: Performance comparisons of cloud backup storages as Duplicacy backends, and doesn’t allow multiple threads.
Please add support for Dropbox as a back-end in the web GUI front-end. It may be slower but it works fast with Duplicati. I was about to buy a GUI license but found out that it didn’t support Dropbox .
In the meantime, can we use the CLI to set-up the back-end with Dropbox, and still use the web GUI to manage such backups?