Duplicacy Web Edition 1.8.2 releases

So I went back to check the console for possible errors, but this time selection is working perfectly. I am beginning to suspect something funny is going on with the Logitech software my mouse uses for hotkey mappings, as I’ve been running into other issues with it recently. If I see this again I will do some more troubleshooting, but for now consider this operator error.


QNAP gave me this certificate years ago which unfortunately expired earlier this year. I have not been able to get in touch with them after the previous contact left the company. I’ll try to make another attempt.

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Hi, any date to fix “Strorj” window instead of “samba” ?

This has been fixed in 1.8.1, which is almost ready. I’m waiting QNAP to give me the package signing certificate.

Hi, great new :slight_smile:

It is possible to publish the other versions in 1.8.1 in the meantime?

Hi, any news about v1.8.1 ?

1.8.1 releases have been uploaded. Still waiting for QNAP certificates so there are no 1.8.1 packages for QNAP.

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Great, many thanks for your work.

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Can you update the Download Page? Duplicacy

Can you update the Docker Container? @saspus

Many Thanks for our Great Work!

There is no need to update the container. Container updates are not tied to duplicacy updates. Use mini tag, and if you want to pick up this version right away — specify it in the environment variable, per documentation.

We have already discussed this with you:

I see the download page and the API for the web edition versions are not updated to 1.8.1 yet.

curl https://duplicacy.com/latest_web_version

@gchen When are these going to be updated? Thanks!

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Download for 1.8.1 win 64 is timing out for me for at least the last 12 hours, from 4 different connections in 3 countries.


Same for me.

acrosync.com seems to be down and timing out.

@gchen can you take a look please?

Sorry about the issue. acrosync.com should be up and running now.

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Hi thanks for the bugs fix.