Duplicacy Web Edition 1.8.3 releases

any luck with qnap providing you the certs? :frowning:

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Qnap gave me the instructions on how to sign the packages. A special usb drive is required but I can use my own certs now. I will build the packages next week.


any update yet on qpkgs?

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I bought one usb drive from Yubico, but its firmware is too outdated to support the code signing certificate that I already have, and there is no way to upgrade the firmware on this kind of usb drives. I will need to get another one with the latest firmware.

In the mean time, I’m working on version 1.8.3. I’ll just build unsigned QNAP packages for this release.

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Hi @gchen , any news about 1.8.3 release ?

I just received the new yubikey today. I’ll try to sign the QNAP packages tomorrow. If I can’t do it then I’ll just release 1.8.3 with unsigned QNAP packages.

I was able to sign QNAP packages using my own code signing certificate, but when I installed the package on QNAP it still gave me this warning:

For comparison, this is the warning when the package was signed with the old certificate issued by QNAP:

Should I just release the packages signed with the old QNAP certificate?

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Links to the 1.8.3 releases have been updated. The QNAP packages were again signed with the expired QNAP certificate so you’ll have to acknowledge the expiration warning to proceed with installation. I’ll ask QNAP people for clarification on their code signing requirements.

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Any news for a new Docker Container Version? @saspus

Container’s mini tag grabs duplicacy version as returned by https://duplicacy.com/latest_web_version for latest and stable channels. You can also explicitly specify the version you want and restart the container.

DUPLICACY_WEB_VERSION: Specifies version of duplicacy_web to fetch and use.

Acceptable values:

  • x.x.x - Use specific version, like 1.4.1
  • Latest - Use latest available version from Acrosync.
  • Stable - Use last known stable version as defined⁠ by Acrosync.
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OK, I was confused but with 1.8.3 don’t working the Docker Container. The Webinterface was not available and on your Docker Hub Site is 1.8.2 the highest Tag.

Maybe we more Time waiting needed!

What do you mean by that? Did you specify the DUPLICACY_WEB_VERSION=1.8.3? Which web interface and where is it not available? Please provide more details.

Waiting for what?

I’m confused! It’s Working! Last Weak I tried, i can’t access/open to the Webinterface. Address not found.

For the new Update, but this was no more needed but he was published. But why https://hub.docker.com/r/saspus/duplicacy-web/tags he was no action? The last entry/activity was 2 month which Version/Tag 1.8.2. I can’t see the 1.8.3 but I become this Version.:thinking: Its not the Data loaded from the Docker Hub Website/Repository?

Container version does not correlate with duplicacy version. I only update the container if there are security fixes in the base OS. Container downloads duplicacy according to the user selected preferences.

It’s all described here: https://hub.docker.com/r/saspus/duplicacy-web

The :latest tag is obsolete and will soon be replaced with mini.

When will docker release version pick up Duplicacy 3.2.4? Thanks!

Duplicacy-Web picks which CLI to download form here: https://duplicacy.com/latest_cli_version

You can force it to download any version you want by editing the settings.json file. I believe the key is called cli_version

 % strings /Volumes/Duplicacy\ Web\ Edition/Duplicacy\ Web\ Edition.app/Contents/MacOS/duplicacy_web_osx_arm64 | grep \"cli_version\"

Edit: This does not seem to wok anymore.

@gchen, is there a way to tell WebUI specific version of duplciacy to use?


Do we have any updates for this? Thanks!

You can specify the CLI version in ~/.duplicacy-web/duplicacy.json by modifying the cli_version key from:

"cli_version": "",


"cli_version": "3.2.3",

Ah, I’m the doofus, I was editing settings.json…

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Was there a change in supported Windows versions? I was running 1.7.2 successfully on my machine, but 1.8.3 fails to load (directly exits with no log entry and fails to set up a Windows service).

Related: Duplicacy Web does not install service - #3 by Pharao2k