Duplicacy Web Segmentation Fault

While checking on a set of routine backups, I found that they were failing with the log only mentioning a segmentation fault as the cause. This occurs for both backups and check operations. I have already checked that the system is up to date, with it running Linux Zen 6.0.7 and using Duplicacy 1.6.3, installed from the AUR. I have already tried the extent of my troubleshooting, and have not had that issue on other systems. I would appreciate any help solving this issue.

Can you post the logs here? Or PM me if you don’t want to make them public.

Below is the entirety of the logs I located.

Running check command from /home/$user/.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/all
Options: [-log check -storage NAS -a -tabular]
signal: segmentation fault

If there is a log I am missing, or that would provide more assistance, please let me know.
The logs for the failed backups look exactly the same.

The main log file ~/.duplicacy-web/logs/duplicacy_web.log should contain information about the segmentation faults.

Due to account age, I have been unable to attach the entire file, and believe that I am unable to send a PM, but I have included an excerpt surrounding where it gives the segmentation fault. Other entries with segmentation faults appear to follow the same pattern.

2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /schedule
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/css/bootstrap.min.css
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/css/paper-dashboard.css
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/css/font-awesome.min.css
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/css/duplicacy-web.css
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/js/jquery.min.js
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/js/bootstrap.min.js
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/js/bootbox.min.js
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/js/axios.min.js
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/js/chartist.min.js
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/js/paper-dashboard.js
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/js/polyfill.min.js
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/js/duplicacy-web.js
2022/11/07 20:31:40 Created log file /home/$user/.duplicacy-web/logs/backup-20221107-203140.log
2022/11/07 20:31:40 Running /home/$user/.duplicacy-web/bin/duplicacy_linux_x64_3.0.1 [-log backup -storage NAS -threads 4 -stats]
2022/11/07 20:31:40 Set current working directory to /home/$user/.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/3
2022/11/07 20:31:40 The CLI executable returned an error: signal: segmentation fault, exit code: -1
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/img/product-icon.png
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/img/product-icon.png
2022/11/07 20:31:40 GET /assets/img/product-icon.png

I hope that this provides further insight.

Can you remove /home/$user/.duplicacy-web/bin/duplicacy_linux_x64_3.0.1 and restart the web GUI? The segment fault can be caused by an incomplete download, similar to Backups stopped working, segmentation fault in saspus docker image, although it was the web GUI binary there.

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