Duplicacy Web UI Hangs while trying to test email

Hi there, this is similar to Duplicacy Web UI hangs forever - #7 by mark3, but different, so I thought I’d start another thread.

The web UI is wedged again, and requests hang without response. This happened after I tried sending a test email (/test_schedule_email).

I used your /print_stack_trace trick to get this stack trace:

duplicacy-wedged-2.txt (1.4 MB)

Hopefully that helps make clear what’s stuck?

I was trying to send first to smtp.mailgun.com (failed, no port). Then I tried smtp.mailgun.com:465. I think this is where it first started hanging. Port 465 is apparently deprecated? Which SMTP Port Should I Use? Understanding Ports 25, 465, & 587 | Mailgun Maybe that’s a clue.

Then I tried smtp.mailgun.com:587, and the request just hung, I don’t think it did anything looking at the logs.

I see one thread blocked inside main.SendMail. I’m guessing this is holding a lock.

I looked at one of the blocked http.serve threads, and found a mutex up the stack

(dlv) args                                                                                   
m = (*sync.Mutex)(0x13b48f8)                                                                                                                                                               
(dlv) print *m                                                                                                                                                                             
sync.Mutex {state: 161, sema: 0}                                                                                                                                                           

This looks like it’s our friend main.ConfigLock again, the address matches:

(dlv) print &main.ConfigLock

The smtp client blocks on smtp.mailgun.com:465 forever when attempting to read some response. I need to add a timeout there.

I tried smtp.mailgun.com:587 and it worked.

A timeout is reasonable, though I’m not sure how long is reasonable (maybe some gateways are slow?). Wonder also if the smtp/dial APIs take a context.Context that closes when the original browser request closes?

If you have a long-ish timeout, other requests will still hang while smtp is holding the mutex. I wonder if it’d be a good idea to hold the mutex only while getting the data you need, then release the mutex and continue with the long-running smtp operation?