Hello all,
I’m trying to configure duplicacy in order to backup a windows network share from a linux Ubuntu.
My share is named /media/driveg.
Since I don’t want to see duplicacy files in the share, I’m backing up /media given that folder contains only the driveg folder.
My goal is to set up the filters to backup only some folders of /media/driveg an since it’s a share polluted with Windows and Mac temporary files, I want to exclude a bunch of files.
My Filter file looks like this:
# exclude .* files or folders
# exclude *.tmp files
# exclude *.lnk files
# exclude desktop.ini files
# exclude Thumbs.db files
# Folders
- Files that start with dots are not excluded. Reason in the dry run: because +driveg/FolderA/ allows it
- Same for almost all files
- I want to backup FolderA to FolderD and exclude anything else but “-driveg/*” in the end blocks everything
Anyone know how I can exclude files and folders no matter where they are ? And only include my 4 folders ?
Thank you very much.