How do I keep the latest backup and prune older?

I’m setting up backups to multiple destinations, one destination has limited space, so I only want one version to be there. I’m using an Unraid GUI app for Duplicacy and do not see any options for versioning. How do I set the version numbers? Also, how do I go back and delete revisions? I see them in the restore section, but I do not see how to delete revisions.This destination is DropBox and I only see chunks but nothing to tell me what chucks are which backup, so I’m not sure how to delete from DropBox either.

That’s not a backup then. You can simply use rclone to copy your data.

What kind of data do you backup? Duplicacy deduplicates between backups, each subsequent backup requires extra amount of storage about the size of difference from all previous backups. In most cases that is a negligible amount.

Each backup creates a new snapshot, state of your files at the point of backup.


Single chunk can belong to multiple backups and/or files

With prune command.

Sorry, I don’t know what that is. There is duplicacy Web UI, and there you need to create a schedule and select prune as command to run, if you want to configure prune.

Thanks for the help! I’m still new to using Duplicacy and didn’t realize I needed to set up a separate prune schedule to access additional options. Currently, I’m using Duplicacy with Unraid to back up my weekly backups. These are then copied to another computer on the network. However, I’ve been considering using various free cloud storage accounts for additional backups, instead of opting for a paid solution like B2. That said, I might eventually switch to B2 or a similar service to take advantage of versioning capabilities.

Duplicacy supports targeting various Dropbox-like cloud storage offerings, and some people use them successfully; for example, if you already have an unlimited Google Drive, it makes sense to want to use it as duplicacy target — the storage is essentially “free” because you paid for it anyway.

However when choice is between a different kind of free (as in “no cost”, limited trial accounts) and paid — a point can be made it’s very expensive to choose free, including for the reasons of incentives alignment: (Newbie) Backup entire machine? - #6 by saspus

Don’t backup backups. Instead backup source data directly. Otherwise you may be effectively disabling deduplication, wasting massive amounts of space and bandwidth.

Read about “duplicacy copy” if you need to replicate backup to multiple destinations.

Duplicacy does versioning internally, regardless of storage backend used.

Here is more on how it works: Duplicacy paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing