I have a license valid until april 2025, but Duplicacy says it's expired

I have a license valid until april 2025, but Duplicacy says it’s expired. I can’t open a support ticket: it doesn’t allow me to do it.

Activate the same license again and verify the hostname is correct

I just discovered that, after upgrading my MacBook Air to Sequoia 15.1.1, the hostname detected by Duplicacy is something like “MacBookAir-022” instead of the name I gave it to. I don’t know where does this name come from; after entering this “new” name in the license page, Duplicacy works again. Thank you.

You can change the hostname(s) of your Mac following this:

or this:

network - Set the hostname/computer name for macOS - Ask Different

The problem here is that, in System Settings, the name is “MacBook-Air-Silver”, but if I check using Terminal (“hostname” command) the name is “MacBook-Air-022”. Quite strange!

It’s not strange, there are multiple hostnames used for different purposes. There is computer name, hostname, and local host name.

Have you checked the links I’ve posted above?

is this “bug” (or feature…)

Looks plausible, but may not necessarily be that what you see is due to MAC address randomization and privacy features (btw if you haven’t — disable them for your home network). In some scenarios gateway can assign the hostname. There was a bug on my gateway software that resulted in all Macs and iOS devices in the network to receive hostnames made of a randomized hex guid.

The actual problem is that duplicacy shall not use hostname for licensing, specifically because hostname is often changing and does not identify the machine. The machine-id does. This has been discussed before Invalid or expired Web-UI license after reboot (Backups were working fine earlier today, and my license is valid well into 2022) - #9 by saspus