Tonight is my first night using Duplicacy. I’m late coming from Crashplan having run on the business version until they decided they would start deciding what they want to backup (!?)…
I have tested Arq, Cloudberry, Duplicati, Backblaze, and probably a few others for S3 (Wasabi) storage.
My initial thoughts and frustrations are with the Web GUI backup job list. It’s HUGE and needs to be scaled down, especially since it seems we cannot select more than one directory for each of the backups (I know of the sym link hack). A form of compact list would be nice with spindown arrows to expand with more info if needed and a smaller summary view when collapsed.
No way to EDIT a backup? This was one of the more frustrating things when testing as I had a lot of work to do redoing things over and over, perhaps this is less important since each is a single directory…