New storage encrypted with RSA, but it looks like it's only with normal encryption

I think I’m doing something wrong…

I created a new storage encrypted with RSA and transferred the contents of the old storage (also encrypted) to it.

I created the new storage with duplicacy add and then ran the copy.
(unfortunately I don’t have the storage creation log, I used command line)

But the info -d only tells me that “The storage is encrypted with a password” for the new storage.

Is there any other way to check if the new storage is using RSA?

(duplicacy 2.7.2)

check shall print something about rsa in a first few lines of log.

That was the first sign of problem, a check command that didn’t show anything about RSA… :slightly_frowning_face:

I’m redoing the procedure with a second pair of storages, to see if I missed something basic.

The most definitive test would be of course to try to restore and seeing it ask for private key.

The attempt with the other pair of storages had the same result…

To isolate the effect of the add and copy sequence of commands, I decided to init a new storage, from scratch, empty, and:

root@trf-user:~# duplicacy init -encrypt -key ~/bkpdef-public.pem [repository-id]  wasabi://[bucket]
Enter Wasabi key:****
Enter Wasabi secret:****
Enter storage password for wasabi://[bucket]:****
Re-enter storage password:****
/root will be backed up to wasabi://[bucket] with id [repository-id]

root@trf-user:~# duplicacy -d info wasabi://[bucket]
Enter Wasabi key:****
Enter Wasabi secret:****
The storage is encrypted with a password

I really think I’m missing something very obvious… :thinking:

Well, after some more tests, I found that the problem is very simple: the info command is not informing about the use of RSA in the storages… the check command is informing correctly.

I tested it with the two storages I had initially created and with the new storage created for testing.

Although it is not documented, the info command is mentioned in documentation as a way to check if RSA encryption is enabled:

And, IIRC, I have used the info command in the past and the output was correct.

@gchen , maybe something related to the info command has broken in the last few versions?

Try to add the -e option:

duplicacy -d info -e wasabi://[bucket]

The info command is repository-less – it don’t know where to find the storage password so it can’t decrypt the config file. With -e you can then enter the storage password and it will print out the RSA public key.

Ok, with the -e option it worked, it showed the information about RSA.

Two points:

  1. I updated the documentation about the RSA feature:
  1. Will info remain as an undocumented command? Or will it be official and documented?