Restoring for another Backup Device/Job

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Appears none are easy to find for the following query.

Hi Guys.


If you have 2 Devices backed up with 2 different Configs/Locations, how can you Temp Restore a Folder/Directory from the other backup and then remove that backup/restore job from the working Machine.

Does that make any sense at all?

Tl;dr: Restoring a backup from another backup Device/Location on-behalf of a none-working machine temporarily.

CLI or Web UI?

With Web UI, it’s pretty straightforward as you’re asked to specify a restore location and this can be a temporary location.

With CLI, you just create an empty temp directory, init to the storage with the repository ID you want to restore from, and do the restore.

Restoring doesn’t alter the configuration on the storage server and you don’t have to delete any jobs after.


How can this be converted from WebUI to “CLI” as far as Command Conversions? as webUI takes the need to Command Line away from the user (not complaints of course).

What if the Location is different from the working machine as the “ID’s” wouldn’t be discover-able would they?

Thanks Droolio!

Basically, a restore in Web UI does more than just restore command… It lets you pick from a storage, select a (existing) backup ID from a pull-down, pick a revision (it runs a list), select a restore location (which can be empty).

When you run the restore in the UI, it has to do an init first and then the restore. See:

So with CLI, you may have to perform other commands like list -all in order to discover these extra parameters so that you can manually specify them in the init and restore step.


Makes sense now!

Thanks for the help Droolio! appreciate it!

Thanks Kindly!

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