Setting a SFTP Storage that is not in user home folder

I had to reinstall Duplicacy Web on my Windows device. I am using a linux server to hold my backup Storage. I was connected to the Storage using SFTP on the Web program on Windows to see my revisions and restore files when needed.
Now, I cannot select the Storage directory from my linux server through SFTP. All I can see is the linux user I am connecting with home directory. I cannot see any other folder in the root (I have my storage on another hdd mounted as a root dir).

Was this a change added in a newer version of Duplicacy Web for Win? Is there any solution?

Bonus question :slight_smile: : how can I use the init command with a sftp folder that can be anywhere on the machine?

You can specify absolute path in sftp URL. e.g. sftp://hello.local//absolute/path`.

See Storage Backends · gilbertchen/duplicacy Wiki · GitHub

Thanks, it works. Not very obvious, as if you press the folder button for browse, you cannot select it (in previous version it worked), but writing the exact path in the text field works.

This is highly dependent on the server. Some, like mangled garbage shipped by Synology and the likes, pretty much require using absolute paths to avoid weird failures. (Example SFTP issues with Synology - #2 by gchen)