Trouble Pruning Multiple Snapshot IDs - "deletion criteria aren't met"

I have multiple different repositories that backup to the same storage. Some of these repositories have different needs as far as retention, so instead of using prune -all I have a series of prune commands that specify snapshot id and use -collect-only and then one final call with just -delete-only. From what I understand this should work for my needs. I run this from one repository directory. The problem I’m having is after running these I get:

Fossils from collection 1 can’t be deleted because deletion criteria aren’t met

From looking at the documentation I expected this after the first run, but I’m still getting this same line a week later even though I have run backups since. I noticed that every prune run reports Fossil collection 1 saved. I also inspected the fossils directory at .duplicacy/cache/local/fossils/ and see that there is only one file (named 1) that only contains information from the last prune command. Nothing from the other runs for other snapshot ids.

Example of my bash script:


cd /root/duplicacy/data || exit 1

# Data - 1:day after 1 week, 1:week after 2 weeks, 1:month after 2 months, Nothing after 1 year
echo "Pruning data at $(date)"
duplicacy prune -id data -collect-only -keep 0:365 -keep 30:60 -keep 7:14 -keep 1:7
# Storage - 1:day after 1 week, 1:week after 1 month, 1:month after 6 months, 1:year after 3 years
echo "Pruning storage at $(date)"
duplicacy prune -id storage -collect-only -keep 365:1095 -keep 30:180 -keep 7:30 -keep 1:7
# Storage_temp - 1:day after 1 week, 1:week after 2 weeks, Nothing after 3 months
echo "Pruning storage_temp at $(date)"
duplicacy prune -id storage_temp -collect-only -keep 0:90 -keep 7:14 -keep 1:7

# Final deletion
echo "Running prune delete at $(date)"
duplicacy prune -delete-only
echo "Finished at $(date)"

Output from duplicacy -log -v prune -delete-only:

2024-10-19 11:50:31.757 INFO REPOSITORY_SET Repository set to /srv/data
2024-10-19 11:50:31.758 INFO STORAGE_SET Storage set to /srv/backup/backup/duplicacy
2024-10-19 11:50:31.759 TRACE CONFIG_ITERATIONS Using 16384 iterations for key derivation
2024-10-19 11:50:31.832 TRACE SNAPSHOT_LIST_IDS Listing all snapshot ids
2024-10-19 11:50:31.833 TRACE SNAPSHOT_LIST_REVISIONS Listing revisions for snapshot 2
2024-10-19 11:50:31.833 TRACE SNAPSHOT_LIST_REVISIONS Listing revisions for snapshot data
2024-10-19 11:50:32.313 TRACE SNAPSHOT_LIST_REVISIONS Listing revisions for snapshot storage
2024-10-19 11:50:32.418 TRACE SNAPSHOT_LIST_REVISIONS Listing revisions for snapshot storage_temp
2024-10-19 11:50:32.466 INFO FOSSIL_COLLECT Fossil collection 1 found
2024-10-19 11:50:32.466 TRACE SNAPSHOT_NO_NEW No new snapshot from data since the fossil collection step
2024-10-19 11:50:32.466 TRACE SNAPSHOT_NO_NEW No new snapshot from storage_temp since the fossil collection step
2024-10-19 11:50:32.466 TRACE SNAPSHOT_NO_NEW No new snapshot from storage since the fossil collection step
2024-10-19 11:50:32.466 INFO FOSSIL_POSTPONE Fossils from collection 1 can’t be deleted because deletion criteria aren’t met

duplicacy -help shows version:

3.2.3 (254953)

Is there something I’m doing wrong? I’m guessing I’ll at the very least have to run -exhaustive to fix the current state, but will it just do the same thing again? Any help is appreciated.

It’s giving this error even after I ran backups. I first ran prune for each snapshot id last week, then I ran again this week and it still didn’t remove anything and gave that “error”. It also doesn’t appear to be making more than one fossil collection. I only see a single fossil collection in the cache directory, and the delete step doesn’t appear to see any others either. I would expect each of the prune runs I did on each snapshot to have its own fossil collection, or all be listed in the one that’s there.

Not sure. Should not your second command have -a or -id?

Any reason you are separating collection and deletion in the first place?

Are you referring to an id for the -delete-only command? I thought that didn’t need an id because it’s just deleting the fossils already collected.

As for why, in another thread I had found this advice for what seemed to be a similar setup and it made sense to me. Instead of running both collection and deletion and all the checks that probably go along with it over and over, you collect all first then delete all at once.

I found this bug thread that kind of sounds like the issue I’m having, but is from a couple years ago. Is it possible this wasn’t fixed?

Maybe there are additional snapshot ids in that datastore that shared chunks with those being pruned?

But you are running it on a local storage — after first pass all metadata is already in filesystem cache, I doubt you will see measurable difference.

Not impossible — especially since very few people use it this way. I would ask in that thread.

Thanks, I’ll give it a try without separating the steps and see if the issue persists or not, especially if the time difference wouldn’t be meaningful in my case. I’ll update with results.

I also followed up on the other thread, so hopefully that gives an answer on if that is still a lingering bug.

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Removing the -collect-only flags from the individual prune commands, and the following -delete-only call seems to have worked. New, separate, fossils are being created by the different runs instead of overwriting.

And duplicacy prune -exhaustive picked up all the unreferenced chunks from after my other attempts that didn’t properly generate fossils. Thankfully that didn’t take too terribly long, at about an hour. I reran my backups so they each had a fresh snapshot revision and then reran prune. That cleared up about 8TB of space and took about 12 hours to run.

Thankfully now with a working prune setup my security footage won’t accumulate in backups for a year.

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