Website updates and pricing/licensing changes

Right, but I can do all of that with the commercial license as well, right ? So why wouldn’t I pick that ? Or may the commercial license not be used to use the command line ?

I think it’s to avoid using the software for free in a commercial environment…

I confess that the first time I read the licensing page, I had to read it several times to understand. I think there are two “dimensions” mixed in there: CLI x GUI and personal x commercial.

I, personally, would do it this way:
(note, in the “license types” table, that I put a “dimension” in the rows and the other in the columns)


General considerations:

  • All licenses are subscription-based (1);
  • All licenses are per computer;
  • Licenses are required only for creating backups;
  • Operations with existing backups (restore, check, copy and prune) do not require licenses;
  • A GUI license includes a CLI license for the same computer;


CLI GUI Support Limitations
First year Subsequent years
Personal Free $20 first computer
$10 each additional
$5 first computer
$2 each additional
Public Forum Only for personal files on a home computer (2)
Commercial $50 $50 $50 Private tickets None

(1) Latest releases and upgrades are available at no extra charges during the subscription period.
(2) Personal files/documents that are not related to employment or for-profit activities.


What you explained is how I understood it as well. In which case I don’t understand why a commercial CLI is an option at all - if you want to use the software commercially, you are looking at $50 anyways, so why offer a GUI and a CLI option ? I don’t understand under which scenario/circumstances anyone would ever opt to pick the CLI option (other than “was confused by the purchase page”).

For some scenario where you cannot / want to use a graphical environment, such as a small headless server, for example.

Or by personal preference. Despite using the GUI version, I love using scripts to call CLI …

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No, I get why someone would want to USE only the CLI. But at the exact same price, it doesn’t seem to make any sense to ever BUY it, considering it’s included in the GUI purchase.

Ah, understood. I agree, your questioning makes sense.

So I think your question

should be:

Would it not always be equal or better to get the GUI license for the same price ?

It’s the problem of the “dimensions” I mentioned …

Once had the same question and it is answered here:

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