DuplicacyGUI32.exe not a valid Win32 Application

I have a 2003 sbs server and when i installed the app it kicked the error. Since the requisites that I read included 2003 server this “should” work. What am I missing?

Both Windows XP and Windows 2003 require a special build of the GUI version. I’ll get you the build later today.

I’ve updated the Win32 version to support XP and Server 2003. If you download the 1.2.4 installer again and reinstall Duplicacy it should work now.

How about Windows Server 2008 Standard? I’m starting installer and nothing happens.

(bump previously posted reply/questionm) - not answered in 10 days…

(bump previously posted reply/question) - not answered in 10 days…

This is very likely not an issue with Duplicacy. With Server 2008, it’s common for many executables to be blocked automatically, after you download them from the internet.

Right-click the installer .exe > Properties > on the General tab, you should hopefully see an Unblock button at the bottom. Click it > OK. Then you should be able to install.


You were correct. Thanks!