Activity does not show in Dashboard

I’m using Duplicacy Web since about 1.5 years and have this issue since the beginning. Doesn’t bother me much, but I’m wondering if there’s maybe a solution:

I’m running 9 backups-jobs, spread over different storages and schedules.

All appear in the “Activities” summary in the Dashboard panel. Except one: the schedule for “Music/Rest” doesn’t log its activity. If I manually start the backup through the “Backup”-panel, the activity shows up in the row “localhost-4” resp. “localhost-5”.

The backup itself succeeds.

I already deleted and recreated all corresponding entries in the “Storage”, “Backup” and “Schedule” panels, but still no improvement.

If you no longer have a schedule for “Backup Music/Rest” and cannot remove it from there, have a look at your config files under .duplicacy-web\stats\schedules (where .duplicacy-web should be under your home directory or C:\ProgramData on Windows if you installed for all users/as a service.

Delete the Backup Music/Rest.stats file if you have one. Dunno if a client restart is required.

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Thanks for your help. As I said: backup and schedule worked perfectly fine. Only the result didn’t show up in the activities.

But your hint with the “Backup Music/Rest.stats”-file enlightened me: the system was not able to create this file because of the dash. I changed the schedule’s name to “Backup Music_Rest” and now it’s working.

Good call. Yup, TBH I didn’t think you could use a slash in the name but apparently so - guess that should be fixed (@gchen).

Reason I suggested deleting the file (if it was there) is occasionally I’ve noticed zero-byte files blocking more stats from appending (possibly another bug?). Good to see you sorted it.

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