Azure Encryption

I realize this is a basic question , but I have searched and could not find a definitive answer. I have Duplicacy configured for two storage locations : Dropbox and Microsoft Azure.

Dropbox Setup asks for password for encryption.

Microsoft Azure does NOT, only asks for access key and storage locations.

Are these files being encrypted Prior to being sent to Microsoft Azure? any way to validate in the CLI?

I am using Mac web edition.

Thanks in advance.

Go to the Storage page. Check if there is a lock icon under the storage name. If not then your storage is not encrypted.

You can’t convert an existing storage from unencrypted to encrypted. You’ll have to create a new storage from an empty remote directory and enter a password. But you can ‘import’ existing backups by creating a new encrypted storage that is copy-compatible with an existing one and then run a copy job to copy all existing backups over.

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Thanks, there is a lock on both storage accounts. So I can say they are encrypted. Thank you. Is there a way to validate this in the CLI also?

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