Backup folder to two different storages with different filters


I have a folder called pictures. In there are picture files like *.jpg and also *.mp4 etc.
Now i like to create two backups:

  1. Backup all Picture files to gcd://Pictures
    so the filter would be

  2. Backup all Videos to /mnt/media/Videos

How can I do this, haven’t found any solution yet…
since duplicacy init pictures gcd://Pictures -e and duplicacy init picturesVideo /mnt/media/Videos -e gives me an error that a repository already exists

duplicacy add …

You are not initializing a new repository. You are adding storage/snapshot id.

ok thx this seems to be working.
so since to one storage i just backup the images and to the other the videos i can therefore run the backup like so:
duplicacy backup -storage images
duplicacy backup -storage videos

I don’t need to use the copy command am I right?


Not really. You also would need to replace the filter file before each backup to the appropriate one.

Better approach would be to initialize repository in two new empty folders pointing to data you want to backup using -repository flag. That way you can keep separate configurations, including filter files, and a a bonus duplicacy files won’t pollute your repositories.

Then you would run respective backups from respective folders.

ok thx alot for the help i used now the -repository flag and it seems to be working fine that way

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