I have and UnRAID server with a 20TB drive which contains my Movies and TV-Shows. I am backing this up to another UnRAID server over the local network, 10Gb, with Duplicacy docker running on my UnRAID server.
I am playing around with the options in Duplicacy to gain some extra speed. 20MB per second is really too slow.
I read that ‘threads 1’ to read from a single HDD is the way to go. I also tried other Threads settings but did not gain speed there.
So I am looking to tweak the chunk size.
How do I do that in the WebUI?
The movie size in the Movie dataset are mainly UHD with ATMOS MKV’s of over 50GB.
Is there more tweaking that I can do to speed up things a little, knowing that most video files are so huge?
I hope you can help me.
Thanks for the help.