Backup/Prune information

Hello, good morning…

I have 2 servers backing up to the same B2 storage (different ID).

My backup script on both machines do 2 things:

/usr/local/bin/duplicacy backup -threads 8 -stats >>/var/log/backup/backup-${DATE}.log 2>>/var/log/backup/backup-${DATE}.err
/usr/local/bin/duplicacy prune -keep 0:90 -keep 30:30 >>/var/log/backup/backup-${DATE}.log 2>>/var/log/backup/backup-${DATE}.err

Is this the recommended way to do it or there’s a more efficient way?

I read that only one server can run the prune command if both are using the same storage. But, will it delete the snapshot of the other ID as well?


Yes, it is recommended to run the prune command on one server. You can specify the -a option to delete snapshots for other IDs.