Backup to rotating USB HDD

I am trialing the Web GUI on my QNAP NAS. I have set it up to backup certain folders to my External USB HDD. This works.

However when I rotate this offsite and bring my offsite HDD, I am unable to add a new storage for duplicacy to back up to? How do I overcome this?

I am happy to use CLI, but have not looked into it much as just started off fiddling with the GUI while on trial. Is this easier to do via the CLI? If so I assume I just write a bash script?

When you say you’re unable to add new storage, can you explain what you’re doing and what the error is.

In the web gui, I only have the option of one storage area - I cannot seem to add more storage areas? If I select USB Drive 1 then I can use it. Once that is backed up to, if I plugin in USB Drive 2, it does not allow me to create a new storage on the web gui to USB Drive 2 - nor run the backup job as it is looking for USB Drive 1.

I installed the App via QNAP store.

I believe the QNAP app version is super old.

Download and install manually from here

Go to the storage section, there’s a plus button where you can add other storage.

Thank you - will have a look at the newer version. I have not had a chance to look into this as the week has been busy but will explore and get back to you guys