Can not handle 302 redirects correctly when using webdav

Please describe what you are doing to trigger the bug:

duplicacy init -encrypt -storage-name alist share-bowen webdav://duplicacy@xx.xx/dav/duplicacy
Enter the WebDAV password:*****
Enter storage password for webdav://duplicacy@xx.xx/dav/duplicacy:********
URL request 'GET config' returned status code 302
URL request 'GET config' returned status code 302

Please describe what you expect to happen (but doesn’t):

The application should use the redirected URL.

Please describe what actually happens (the wrong behaviour):

The application does not handle 302 redirects correctly.


I met the same error with webdav. Is there any plan to support 302 redirect?

> duplicacy add -e webdav mywork webdav://*@*
Enter the WebDAV password:*
Enter storage password for webdav://*@*:**********
Re-enter storage password:**********
/home/*/Work will be backed up to webdav://*@* with id mywork
> duplicacy backup -stats -storage webdav -t init
Storage set to webdav://*@*
Enter storage password:**********
URL request 'GET config' returned status code 302
URL request 'GET config' returned status code 302
URL request 'GET config' returned status code 302
URL request 'GET config' returned status code 302
URL request 'GET config' returned status code 302

I met the same error with adding webdav.prompting 302 error and “Failed to download the configuration file from the storage: Maximum backoff reached”!

There seems to be no progress, I have to give up duplicacy.