Hi @gchen,
I’ve recently rebuilt my server and was trying to move the license over. But despite having the same hostname, even in Portainer too, my license won’t activate.
Is there any way you could reset the name or something, please?
Thank you!
Hi @gchen,
I’ve recently rebuilt my server and was trying to move the license over. But despite having the same hostname, even in Portainer too, my license won’t activate.
Is there any way you could reset the name or something, please?
Thank you!
Login to your account and verify the hostname there. Make sure it’s the same. Then attempt activating again. Maybe something interesting will be in the logs.
Failed to request a license: Activation code has already been assigned to a different host and can’t be activated on 12348ef01234. Please log in to your Duplicacy customer page to change the hostname associated with the license.
That is just extremely stupid. How is it even seeing a sequence of numbers+letters instead of my hostname?
I saw this info on the DuplicacyWeb page but thought it was just an internal ID or something.
Duplicacy should allow me to define a name for the server itself.
That apparently was a hostname at the point of activation.
I agree. Duplicacy shall not rely on hostname for licensing, specifically because a hostname can change any time and does not define a machine. See this past discussion: Invalid or expired Web-UI license after reboot (Backups were working fine earlier today, and my license is valid well into 2022) - #9 by saspus
And yet, duplicacy still relies on a hostname.
If you run it in a container — you have to specify hostname, otherwise you will keep losing the activation.
Now I understand after more research. You mean hostname as in defining a hostname for the docker app, not for the system itself. Please, specify what you mean. There is no point helping me if you just throw a dart in the dark and tell me to follow it.
Since you can’t be bothered to explain it, for future references:
To solve the license hostname issue, you have to define a hostname for the docker app. If you are running it in docker-compose in Portainer, set the following:
hostname: my-custom-hostname
Replace my-custom-hostname with whatever name you want the duplicacy app to see.
Obviously, hostname that duplicacy sees. If it runs in a container that has its own network stack then obviously that’s the hostname that matters, not any other ones, including the docker host. If you use containers it’s assumed you understand why do you do that, including the implications of them having their own network stack. Explaining OS virtualization, let alone some third party commercial one, is far outside of scope of this forum.
No, not for the container orchestrator or host or app or what have you, but for the container instance.
This was pretty unambiguous and straightforward:
I don’t know how to be more explicit than that.