Change email account address

Continuing the discussion from License transfer to new account (Email Address change):

About 2 days ago I sent an email to duplicacy support @gchen requesting to change my account email, as per instructions of above post. It still has not been changed and I have not received any other information or confirmation. Can you please advise of the status.

Many Thanks

I replied your email not long after. Did you check your old email?

You can just create a new account with your new email address and I’ll transfer your license to your new account.

I have been checking my old email and no, I did not receive a reply (part of the reason I am changing my email because the old one is unreliable).

I have now created a new account with the new email address. Can you please transfer the licenses (3) to the new account.

Will I have to re-activate or do something with the web GUI install.

Many Thanks

I’ve transferred all your licenses to your new account. No there is no need to re-activate the licenses.

Thank you very much.