Checksum in the "duplicacy list -files" output does not match sha256sum output

The output of duplicacy list -files contains a checksum, which I assumed to be SHA256,
but when I went to check sha256sum against a file that I know has not changed since the list
operation, I get a different checksum. Is there a reason for the discrepancy?

$ zgrep -E " .envrc$"  backup-filelist-2021-09-26T15:54+03:00-S3-r118.txt.gz
      671 2021-04-18 22:02:12 8041c2165b384b8504a713db201001834c7b3fb4aaecf058f5f162b05382dac1 .envrc
$ sha256sum .envrc 
49206e6038de61c8c7e92966fd74d77191f39064f227670f7039bcde4856abb6  .envrc

The file hash is SHA256 (unless the files were backed up by Vertical Backup). Can you make sure that the file has not changed?

Sorry about my mistake. At some point we switched from SHA256 to BLAKE. So you’re likely using BLAKE unless your storage was created more than 4 years ago (which was the case when I tested the file hash).

You can verify the hash using b2sum:

b2sum -l 256 <file>
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