Creation of unnecessary .duplicacy directories during a restore

Please describe what you are doing to trigger the bug:
Restoring a repository using a Duplicacy preference directory located elsewhere.

Please describe what you expect to happen (but doesn’t):
Duplicacy should restore to a repository without creating an empty .duplicacy directory.

Please describe what actually happens (the wrong behaviour):
Duplicacy creates what seems to be an unnecessary empty .duplicacy directory in a repository when restoring using a Duplicacy preference directory located elsewhere.

Possible solution
The code line in question is located at:

[Restore]duplicacy/duplicacy_backupmanager.go at abf9a94fc99af38fd88f8bd2c2bcc6d068b093b0 · gilbertchen/duplicacy · GitHub

If this is not serving a purpose, may it be removed?

Thank you to all for your work on this project!


I’ll fix this in the next CLI release.