Custom S3 url for S3 compatible provider

Hello! I’m trying to setup a S3 compatible storage which already works from CLI, but I want to use it from WEB.

From CLI, I go to .duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/1 (which is the folder asociated with one of my backups) and issue the following commands:

duplicacy_linux_x64_3.2.3 init first_id s3c://<location>@<host>/duplicacy-backup/portatil
Enter S3 Access Key ID:yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Enter S3 Secret Access Key:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
/root/.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/2 will be backed up to s3c://<location>@<region>/duplicacy-backup/portatil with id first_id

That’s it, if I issue the manual command

duplicacy-web/bin/duplicacy_linux_x64_3.2.3 backup
Storage set to s3c://
Enter S3 Access Key ID:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Enter S3 Secret Access Key:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
No previous backup found
Listing all chunks
Indexing /home/juan/dev/backup
Parsing filter file /home/juan/dev/backup/.duplicacy/filters
Loaded 0 include/exclude pattern(s)
Packed (94)
Packed snk_coin.mp3 (25622)
Packed snk_coin.wav (272138)
Backup for /home/juan/dev/backup at revision 1 completed

Then the folder is backed up.
As CLI and WEB are different worlds, I need to create the storage from WEB.

If I try to create this storage from WEB, the addStorage form composes the URL in a Amazon-standard-url-scheme.

After settings connection settings, when listing the buckets, it works, it lists them, but when I try to list directories, it keeps “loading” until I get the following error:

127-0-0-1-3875-storage (2)

As you can check, the URL is compossed in a different way than what the S3 provider expects, that’s why I used s3c for the CLI version.


instead of


Is there any way to use s3c in the WEB or is there any workaround as it actually works from CLI?

Very many thanks.

I’ve managed to make it work by using, instead of Amazon S3 (Compatible), minios (https).

Anyway, I think it should be feasible to use custom URL into Amazon S3, as it’s the most known provider

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