Customization of the web Installer with config.json


I’m looking into Duplicacy as something i could use for interested clients, in this process it would be nice if we can customize the look and feel and maybe even do unattended installations?

1. Customization
I’m struggling without the Customization as explained here:

There is only one file in the icons path:

Unfortunately the installer doesn’t use the config.json.
Based on: No name change, no custom logo, no custom provider, …

Log file content:
2021/02/03 13:54:27 Created a new configuration.
2021/02/03 13:54:27 A new license has been downloaded for TESTPC
2021/02/03 13:54:27 Temporary directory set to C:\ProgramData/.duplicacy-web/repositories
2021/02/03 13:54:27 Duplicacy Web Edition 1.5.0 (baff49)
2021/02/03 13:54:28 Downloading the CLI executable from
2021/02/03 13:54:29 Duplicacy CLI 2.7.2

Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

2. Unattended
Is there a command line option to uninstall the webGUI unattended?

Kind regards,

The installer can’t be customized. The s3backup-config.json is supposed to go with the web GUI executable.

There is a /S option for the installer/uninstaller, but I’m not sure if the default choices in the silent mode are what you want.

Hi gchen,

Thank you for your prompt reply; much appreciated!

I’ve been able to install the custom service with customizations :grinning:
As a reference for others I’ll include the install and remove scripts below for demo purposes.

There was only one thing that i missed, that is a silent switch for registering the service, that would be a great plus!

Downloading, Installing and register a customized version:

rem ##
rem ## Download the lasted web installer 1.5.0
rem ## Install this web installer
rem ## Add demo customization
rem ## Register customized service
rem ## Open URL
rem ## 

set url=
set file=duplicacy_web_installer_win64_1.5.0.exe

SET S2PATH=C:\s2backup
SET S2CONFIG=S2Backup-config.json
SET DUPLICACY_PATH=C:\Program Files\Duplicacy Web Edition

rem ## Create local folder 'C:\s2backup'
CD \
MKDIR s2backup
;rem CD %S2PATH%\

rem ## Download Duplicacy Web Installer
certutil -urlcache -split -f %url% %S2PATH%\%file%
;rem bitsadmin.exe /transfer "duplicacy_download" %url% %S2PATH%\%file%

rem ## Install the web installer unattended (silent mode)
%S2PATH%\duplicacy_web_installer_win64_1.5.0.exe /S

rem ## Wait for installer to complete
PING localhost -n 10 >NUL

rem ## Create Example config for Backblaze S2 Storage
Echo     "product_version": "2.0", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "product_name": "S2Backup", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "product_full_name": "S2Backup", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "product_website": "", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "company_name": "S2Backup", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "company_website": "", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "service_description": "An S2 backup tool based on Lock-Free Deduplication", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "configuration_directory": "s2backup", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "configuration_file": "s2backup.json", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "log_file": "s2backup.log", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "password_variable": "S2BACKUP_PASS", >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"
Echo     "storages": "s2" >> "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\%S2CONFIG%"

rem ## Create an service with the example config file

rem ##  1. rename the exe to match the config file
DEL /Q "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\S2Backup_2.0.exe
ren "%DUPLICACY_PATH%\duplicacy_web_win_x64_*.exe" "S2Backup_2.0.exe"

rem ##  2. Create icons folder + download example
mkdir icons
CD icons
SET url=
certutil -urlcache -split -f %url% product-icon.png

rem ##  3. Create service
start /w S2Backup_2.0.exe -install-service

rem ##  All Finished
rem ##  Open the URL
start "" "" 

Clean up (remove service, uninstall duplicacy:

SET S2PATH=C:\s2backup
SET DUPLICACY_PATH=C:\Program Files\Duplicacy Web Edition

start /w S2Backup_2.0.exe -uninstall-service
rmdir /S /Q "%programdata%\.S2Backup"

"%DUPLICACY_PATH%\Duplicacy Web Edition Uninstall.exe" /AllUsers /S

rmdir /S /Q "%S2PATH%"

Kind regards,

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