Direct Samba support in CLI

The CLI now supports a direct Samba backend:

The storage url is smb://user@server[:port]/share/path. The password can be set in the environment variable DUPLICACY_SMB_PASSWORD for default storage or DUPLICACY_<STORAGE_NAME>_SMB_PASSWORD for non-default storage.

This backend is based on GitHub - hirochachacha/go-smb2: SMB2/3 client library written in Go.. The previous samba:// backend is just an alias for the disk-based backend with caching enabled.


Many thanks for This :smiley:


I suggest an update of the storages documentation: Storage Backends · gilbertchen/duplicacy Wiki · GitHub

Talking of docs, @gchen is there any movement on the idea of making a separate docs site?

(By the way I wouldn’t specifically recommend Readthedocs - as I reckon most people are using the likes of MkDocs, which you can entirely self-host and have e.g. There’s also a docker image for it.)

@gchen Hi, a new CLI binary will be compiled ?

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