Discord/Slack Notifications

Did anyone already made a script or a way how to get Notifications to Discord?

My whole system works over Discord notifications, and I’m just eager to make it happen.

Would be amazing if someone did it <3

New to this so still don’t understand where can I get the JSON etc.

My bad. I see a lot of people are using Healthchecks.io service and adding the given ping URLs to the report.

Then connecting discord over their service to send notifications.

I got something working with this template:

    "username": "Duplicacy",
    "embeds": [{
        "title": "Your backup to {{.storage}} has {{if eq .result "Success"}}finished successfully{{else}}failed{{end}}",
        "color": {{if eq .result "Success"}}65280{{else}}16711680{{end}},
        "fields": [
                "name": "Backup Name",
                "value": "{{.storage}}"
            }{{if and .start_time .end_time}},
                "name": "Start Time (UTC)",
                "value": "{{.start_time}}"
                "name": "End Time (UTC)",
                "value": "{{.end_time}}"
            }{{end}}{{if eq .result "Success"}}{{if .total_files}},
                "name": "Total Files",
                "value": "{{.total_files}}"
                "name": "New Files",
                "value": "{{if .new_files}}{{.new_files}}{{else}}0{{end}}"

And then just point the report URL to your webhook URL.