Does duplicacy re-use revision numbers?

I’ve been using duplicacy for a few years and I have never run prune.

Something I’ve been wondering lately as the storage costs creep up is, if I prune a revision, does duplicacy re-use that revision number in the future?

It seems like it might because when I look at the detailed logs from the nightly backup on my file server, it has a lot of lines that say roughly:

Snapshot X at revision 1 already exists
Snapshot X at revision 2 already exists
Snapshot X at revision 1820 already exists
Copying snapshot X at revision 1821

So this looks like it’s checking for existing snapshots by counting up starting from 1 and using the first number it finds. If I prune revision 1 and then backup again, will it re-use revision 1 because it’s not in the list anymore?


No, it never reuses revision numbers. The revision number of a new backup is always set to one greater than the largest among existing backups.

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