"duplicacy info" ignore .duplicacy/preferences keys

my version

duplicacy | grep -A1 VERSION
2.4.1 (808AE4)

All my vars

export storage_url=hubic://Jarvis/Radicale/
export storage_name=radicale
export snapshot_id=radicale_snapshots
export repository=/tmp/test

export hubic_token=/tmp/hubic-token.json
export backup_password=blablabla

My repo is already created. let’s check repo infos

duplicacy info -storage-name ${storage_name} ${storage_url} # ignore hubic_token key
duplicacy info -e -storage-name ${storage_name} ${storage_url} # ignore password & hubic_token keys

export DUPLICACY_${storage_name^^}PASSWORD=${backup_password}

$ env | grep -i dupl

duplicacy info -storage-name ${storage_name} ${storage_url} # OK
duplicacy info -e -storage-name ${storage_name} ${storage_url} # OK
duplicacy info -e -reset-passwords -storage-name ${storage_name} ${storage_url} # ignore hubic_token (key and ENV var)


  • “duplicacy info” always ignore ‘hubic_token’ or ‘password’ keys
  • “-e -reset-passwords” seems to disable ENV variables

This is intentional. info doesn’t read the preferences file at all so it can be invoked before running the init command. It is mostly used by the GUI to check if the storage has been initialized.

Hi @gchen,

thank for your answer.

Still i’m surprised, you meant it doesn’t read the preferences file but it reads the same in env variables :thinking: Seems not logic in my mind

And if you add “-e -reset-passwords”, it should force password prompt (and not force hubic token prompt like it does now )

In my mind, expected behavior would be :

  1. if .duplicacy/preferences is there read it
  2. elif read env vars
  3. else prompt.

if “-e -reset-passwords”, go directly to 3 (only for password key)

You don’t think so ?

Anyhow, to launch just a “duplicacy info” command shouldn’t create “chunks” and “snapshots” on remote directories.