Duplicacy issue with Adguard Home

I run AdGuard Home on my network. I setup duplicacy with B2 and things seemed to work at first for the initial uploads on two separate computers to two separate buckets using two separate keys. When I checked things the next day, both computers were unable to run the backups, with the following error:


Note: I had to take a screenshot because there are apparently more than 2 links in the error message which isn’t allowed.

I tried to connect after 1) creating an exception in Adguard Home, 2) connecting with a VPN, 3) manually changing the DNS server settings on my computer to bypass Adguard Home, and 4) creating a new bucket and setting up a new storage account through duplicacy while pointing to separate DNS servers but all of these produced the same error.

Anyone have an idea on what could be going on or how I could fix it?

I appreciate your input!

Clear local dns cache after adding exclusion to AdGuard.

Thanks for the recommendation. Still seems to be a problem after pointing my computer to different DNS servers (OpenDNS) to bypass AdGuard Home, flushing local DNS cache, and quitting/restarting Duplicacy. Happens both in web and CLI versions. Doesn’t matter if I delete the .duplicacy or .duplicacy-web folders, nor if I try to set-up a store on a new B2 bucket while pointing to a different DNS server. I been using AdGuard Home for over a year now and have never had an issue like this.

It’s definitely just an issue with B2. Everything works fine with OneDrive, even if using AdGuard Home.

On the same machine can you try resolving the same host (f000.backblazeb2.com) with ping and nslookup? Do you get the same result?

It’s clearly AdGuard induced DNS issue. Depending on how you have configured AdGuard — maybe your router is also caching and you would need to clear it’s cache. Reinstalling duplicacy won’t help because it’s not a duplicacy issue.

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Based on the error logs, it appeared that the security certificate that was supposed to be between BackBlaze and my computer (Duplicacy) was being generated between Backblaze and AdGuard so Duplicacy couldn’t connect as long as my internet traffic was being routed through AdGuard Home (whether or not the blocking service was activated). If I entered an external DNS server on my router then Duplicacy would connect without any issues. I ended up ditching AdGuard Home and am using a different adblocking service that is compatible with Duplicacy.

Wait, AdGuard home does SSL decryption now? I thought they are pure DNS filter.