I have tried to setup duplicacy to run a USB stick and back up to the cloud, in this case, google drive. I set it up to run on the first PC and it can backup. I then move the USB stick to the 2nd PC and when I try to run duplicacy backup, duplicacy asks me for the path for the google drive token. I then enter the path and then I can back up. I then move back to the first PC and try to run a backup, but again duplicacy asks me for the path of the token. I have even tried to set the path on both PCs eg. C:\Token\GCD… but that does not work either.
I can get it to work when I back up locally without encryption (i.e. no password), but for cloud storage I can not get it to work.
I think it would be great to be able setup a USB stick and then go to any computer, mine, friends, work etc and then run a a backup of the contents of the USB stick into the cloud.
Is this possible to setup and what do I need to do to get it running.
Cheers and thanks