[Duplicacy Web Edition] License activation behind a proxy

Hello, for almost 30 days I have been testing Duplicacy Web Edition. Everything is going well I am very satisfied, I will soon take a license for 2 computers (Windows 10 and Windows 11).

Regarding license activation, one of the two computers is behind an HTTP proxy.

The proxy doesn’t filter anything specific, but will using a proxy block the license activation, or will Duplicacy Web Edition use the internet browser’s proxy settings to activate the license?

On my other computer under Linux Mint, at the moment I use duplicacy-cli to backup to my NAS and therefore I don’t have this problem.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

The Web Edition doesn’t utilize the internet browser’s proxy settings. However, you can specify the proxy address and port by setting the environment variable HTTPS_PROXY . This is a standard way for setting up a proxy as provided by the Go http library, which the Web Edition uses.

Hi, i see something similar with syncthing.

Thanks, i will try when i buy licenses…