Error Prune previous versions

How can I fix this error to eliminate previous backups.

2019-12-25 12:40:28.327 ERROR SNAPSHOT_DELETE Failed to delete the snapshot CopiaDatos at revision 3: AccessDenied: Access Denied
status code: 403, request id: BF0DC0E8EBEB7CBE, host id: 0R2SdI4yejPK1seyojlFwg1Bcrbn7xvu7dfyeIkooANHmwvNjkrq/LJMxlTKjBGLb4bqSS5T4K6H
Failed to delete the snapshot CopiaDatos at revision 3: AccessDenied: Access Denied

it worries me, it’s the second time it happens to me

What storage are you using? It looks like the permissions for your bucket aren’t sufficient to allow the pruning computer to delete the objects for all snapshots.

If it’s S3, take a look at this support article from AWS.

I have been a bit awkward, I have simply modified the permissions on the wasabi servers