ERROR STORAGE_CREATE on Scheduled Backups

Hello everyone,

I have multiple backups running as a schedule backing things up to B2 BackBlaze service.
This is one of the Failes logs I’m getting:

Running backup command from /cache/localhost/0 to back up /mnt/6TB_HDD/Backup/immich
Options: [-log backup -storage duplicacy-immich -threads 12 -vss -stats]
2024-06-12 03:00:04.483 INFO REPOSITORY_SET Repository set to /mnt/6TB_HDD/Backup/immich
2024-06-12 03:00:04.483 INFO STORAGE_SET Storage set to b2://duplicacy-immich
2024-06-12 03:00:14.487 ERROR STORAGE_CREATE Failed to load the Backblaze B2 storage at b2://duplicacy-immich: Post "": dial tcp: lookup on read udp> i/o timeout
Failed to load the Backblaze B2 storage at b2://duplicacy-immich: Post "": dial tcp: lookup on read udp> i/o timeout

I can see that I’m hitting some timeouts, but the internet connections works, event tested at the time of the backup and when running the same schedule manually, it works without issues.

I’m running the Docker version with a License.


Maybe you have some firewall/security software/etc that maybe blocking dns traffic intermittently?

Thanks for the fast reply <3

About your suggestion, wouldn’t the issue be the same while running the same backup schedule manually?

EDIT: While I have your attention, is there a way how to RETRY backups in case of failure? A command or option or whatever like that?

Oh I just found the issue.

My docker timezone was not defined. After adding it, now it’s showing the right time.
Actually the “Next run in…” was the hint.

I was few hours ahead with the old timezone and it was conflicting with my 24hour disconnect. That’s the reason for the timeouts, as there was actually no internet for 2 minutes.

Thanks anyways for the fast replay <3

Still hoping for a solution to retry on fail if there is one

Not necessarily if it’s intermittent :).

Maybe your machine goes to sleep/wakes up to do backup and the network is not ready yet.

I don’t think you can retry, but you can workaround it by stalling in the pre-backup script until the network is fully ready: Backup failing when laptop waking up from sleep - #2 by saspus

Oops :slight_smile:

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