Failed to download the configuration file from the storage

I’ve been using GUI to back up to OneDrive storage (encrypted). I set up few jobs without any problems, they are running successfully every few hours
When I installed GUI on a second machine to for backing up to the same storage, I used the same token file and the same password. However I’m getting this error message:

ERROR Failed to download the configuration file from the storage: Failed to retrieve the config file: cipher: message authentication failed

Now I tried to create a new job on the first machine and I’m getting the same error.
Please advise.

First step in support is searching if someone else has had this problem before. for example you could search for message authentication failed.

Right now i believe the password you entered when you inited the storage is wrong, so try to check if your storage password is correct.

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When I initialized storage the password was placed into password manager, so there’s no chance it’s incorrect. Any other ideas? Existing jobs run fine. Is it possible to retrieve/reset/change password? Can this issue be somehow related to OneDrive token file?

Not sure, but i expect this would give another error message.

Can you please try and write it by hand?

What you can also try is: go to an already initialized repository and do a duplicacy list -reset-passwords. With this, it will ask you to write the password by hand. Try now to write it by hand, not by pasting from the password manager. (maybe there’s a weird character while pasting, idk)

This is probably completely unrelated to your problem, but I did come across an issue where PowerShell didn’t like pasting the password from the clipboard (from KeePass on Windows). I had to use the Ctrl-V shortcut from KeePass which slowed-typed the password into the PS window, to get a proper matching password.

Another thing to bare in mind, if you manipulated the preferences file to store a password directly instead of relying on the OS keyring system (not generally a good idea, but hey…), they’re stored in json format and backslashes escape to other characters.

I already tried typing password by hand; that doesn’t work either. So, to be productive, lets accept that regardless of the root cause, I don’t have correct storage password.
I have normally working jobs, each of them has keyring file with encrypted token and password; they all point to the same storage. Is it possible to decrypt password or I have to abandon that storage and start again from scratch?

Can you please run duplicacy with the -d flag and check output?

It is possible that while you have correct password in your password manager duplicacy is using wrong one from another place. There are a bunch of places where the password could cached and/or specified. We’d want to confirm that it is actually using the password you are providing.

-d is just an option. Which command you want me to run with it? If I run >duplicacy_win_x64_2.1.1.exe -d it only lists all available commands and options

See Gilbert’s comment on this problem I had, which showed the same error message::

Maybe, just as I had problems renaming the snapshot, you’re having trouble configuring the second machine (something with the nomenclature used).

I meant add that option to the whatever operation that fails for you.


duplicacy -d backup

Thanks, but no, not the case. I never renamed storage folder.

Here’s GUI “verbose logging” (includes -d as requested) - I was trying to add a new, first job on a second machine

23:51:08.000    Command: duplicacy -background -log -d init -storage-name gui1 -e "AAPLUS- Administrator-TheBatMailExport" "one://z-duplicacy-backups"
23:51:08.355    Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_GUI1_ONE_TOKEN
23:51:08.361    Reading one_token from keychain/keyring
23:51:08.361    GET,name,size,folder
23:51:08.667    GET select=id,name,size,folder
23:51:08.757    GET,name,size,folder
23:51:08.870    GET,name,size,folder
23:51:08.986    Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_GUI1_PASSWORD
23:51:08.987    Reading password from keychain/keyring 
23:51:08.987    GET,name,size,folder
23:51:09.219    GET
23:51:09.696    Using 16384 iterations for key derivation

Indeed, it seems that it takes both token and password from the keyring.

I’ll try to go through the same steps and see if the issue reproduces for me



Now this is something I haven’t seen for a looong time :slight_smile: Good to know it is alive and well :slight_smile:

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Oh man, yeah! I used that for years until… uh, until what? I can’t even remember what it was. I think I was disagreeing with some changes they implemented.


I guess it will have to wait until I get home. From work I don’t seem to connect to OneDrive at all for some reason:

myimac:test_one_drive me$ duplicacy init -e test01 one://test-bucket
Enter the path of the OneDrive token file (downloadable from
Failed to load the OneDrive storage at one://test-bucket: Get,name,size,folder: write tcp> write: broken pipe

Ok, but it’s not about the name of the storage, but the names of the snapshots stored in the storage …

AAPLUS- Administrator-TheBatMailExport is the same name used on both machines, right? Is this space after AAPLUS- correct?

And you see a folder with this name above in the snapshots folder, using Onedrive web interface?

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Try this command:

duplicacy -d list -reset-passwords

The -reset-passwords option will instruct Duplicacy to ignore passwords stored in keyring/keychain and instead to prompt for new ones.

This error is definitely caused by a wrong storage password. If it is macOS, you can check what password is stored in KeyChain on machines where the backups are working. It is much harder on Windows, but it is possible.

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Same here. This is an archive. I stopped using TheBat! eight, maybe ten years ago…

First machine added few repositories to the storage, this was not one of them. TheBatMailExport folder exists only on the second machine - “AAPLUS”. There’s no such snapshot in OneDrive because init fails. Exactly the same is happening on first machine - trying to add new repository to existing storage - getting “failed to download configuration”. Am I making this clear now?

There’s no space, I checked. It sneaked in somehow when I was pasting log here.