Google Cloud Archive - Some clarifications

Hi, I recently moved (moving…) to GCS, and I’m in my initial upload. I’m seeing some Class A and B operations, which I assume is part of the query and writing process with duplicacy.

But more concerning is the early delete and retrieval operations I’m seeing, which are racking up charges pretty quickly.

Any ideas what could be causing this and how I can avoid these?

On initial backup duplicacy uploads chunks that have not yet been uploaded. I.e. it would check if object exist, and if not - upload it. There shall be no deletes.

However, maybe it’s a quirk of how Google handles Archive — perhaps they have you upload to hot storage and then move to archive, deleting from hot storage? I’m not very familiar with how Google handles this.

You can enable verbose logging with duplicacy (-v or -d global flag) to confirm it’s just uploading files…