Hang or crash during backup

One of my backups hang. I restarted the computer and then the backup. I expect duplicacy will redo the file that was in the midlle of being backed up when it happened? just checking.

Also where is the script to star tand stop the web interface on windows (not a service install)


What do you mean by this?

That’s a bit drastic measure to address a stuck app. You can stop backups from the web ui or task manager if the app is indeed stuck. But it should never be. It may be indicative of other issues — like filesystem corruption. I would run chkdsk

Yes. All operations are atomic. Stuff either happens or does not. Nothing is left in an in between state.

Im not sure what that means. You start the app — it runs. You exit the app from the tray icon — it stops. Not sure why would you want to stop it though. Webui is a scheduler for your backups.

Note: edited for formatting

in the GUI, there is no movement, in windows taks mgr the proecss is 0% cpu, and stays there (left it for a while to make sure it was hang). There is no update in the GUI and there is no timeout in duplicacy. This happens for a couple of shared network folders.

yes but I wanted to make sure it was all stopped


I was looking in C:\programs - just saw it’s in programs in my user folder - Any reason why it;s there instead?