Help need - strange behaviour storj backend

Hi all - I was testing out some backup scripts and in doing so created a bunch of backups on a storj backed setup.

These were mostly “empty incrementals” as nothing or not much had changed while I was hacking away.

To tidy things up I went into storj directly, deleted the snapshot ids then ran a “duplicacy prune -exhaustive -exclusive” on my side if things.

Now when I run a backup the storage id is incremented but when I go view it in the duplicacy-web tool the timestamp is hours ago (I suspect mapped to the time of the corresponding but since deleted ID) and the files listed in the UI are not correct with what’s on my source filesystem.

Is this an issue with the UI side of things or the storj backend, and were my steps to delete IDs and run a prune -exclusive -exhaustive safe/correct?

I can answer my own question… This was solved by clearing out the cache of the web-ui instance.

Is there a way to tell the tool to invalidate the cache other than purging the directory? It’s pretty confusing behaviour otherwise.


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