Help with backup retention


Im looking at purchasing Duplicity but i need to try and understand the backup process as its not explicity mentioned.

So long story short i have an Unraid server, i want Duplicity to backup the appdata & Config files to a raspi4 with an m.2 drive.

However i see no options for deleting the backup after 2 days or anything so my question is how does it work?

do it only write “new” data and remove any data i have taken of the machine or does it keep creating backups until my disk is full?

Look into prune command.

For example, duplicacy prune -keep 0:2 -a will delete all revisions older than 2 days.

Duplicacy backups are incremental, so you may not save much space compared to keeping revisions around for longer.

so can this not be automated with he backup to prune older then 2 days?

Why not?

Run backup, then run prune.

Are you planning to use CLI or WebGUI?

its webgui through a container, how would i do this as i cant see an option

  1. Create a schedule
  2. Add Backup job to the schedule.
  3. Add prune job to the schedule.


If you don’t want to run prune right after every backup — which makes sense if you run multiple backups per day — then you can create two different schedules: one with backup job, one with prune job, with different cadences.

The ui quirk is that to add the schedule there is a small + button at the bottom of the page, if I remember correctly.

so like this:?

No. See the top drop down list?

You have Backup selected. You need to change that to Prune.

And I believe it will offer you default prune schedule. You can edit it later with what you actually need.

fuck me im blind cheers !

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Lol :)) no worries, I’m the same way…

me again whats with the below, can i set all this to zero?

Keep 1 snapshot every
days if older than
Keep 1 snapshot every
days if older than

Accept it as is, to defeat this unhelpful helper, it will add a line in your job list with those options; then click on those options and it will let you edit them in a conventional edit box, where you can delete everything and keep -keep 0:2 and -a.

like this:


BTW you can paste screenshots directly into the forum edit box, no need for the roundtrip though Imgur.

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