How to backup a single file?

I have a setup in which I am required to backup a single file that resides in the root of the C: drive (Windows - using the Web platform). An example would be c:\my-file.dbf

Is it possible to backup such a file? I haven’t found how to do it in the manuals or the forums.


Is there any way to put that file into a folder? That would make this very easy.

nope, that’s the trick - I’m backing up an old application that puts this critical file on C:\ for some reason :man_shrugging:t2:

Hi @fedesaravia,

Sorry if I’m missing something here, but when you create a new backup you can select C:\ as the folder to back up and then add the filters:


to include your file and nothing else.

Hope that helps!

Thank you, @alind! That worked :smiley: