The logging behavior is inconsistent between back-up and prune commands.
Backup command seems to log to stdout. Prune command seems to create a file under .duplciacy/logs
% mkdir source target && cd source
% duplicacy init test /tmp/target
/tmp/source will be backed up to /tmp/target with id test
% touch test
% duplicacy backup > backup.log
% duplicacy prune > prune.log
% cat backup.log
Storage set to /tmp/target
No previous backup found
Indexing /tmp/source
Parsing filter file /tmp/source/.duplicacy/filters
Loaded 0 include/exclude pattern(s)
Packed backup.log (160)
Packed test (0)
Backup for /tmp/source at revision 1 completed
% cat prune.log
Storage set to /tmp/target
No snapshot to delete
% ls .duplicacy/logs
Ideally, there should be a key in preferences to specify log location.
In the same vein, there should be key in preferences to specify cache location.
Impact: storing logs and transient caches along important files is rarely acceptable.