How to use the CLI with Filebase? Can't get it to work

I’m convinced you guys want everyone to use the GUI because just when I think I understand how to use the CLI something else comes up :smiley:

Filebase is 100% compatible with AWS S3 commands, tools, etc.

On their website it shows how to use the GUI version of Duplicacy but not the CLI version

WIth restic, you configure Filebase just like AWS S3 but I can’t for the life of me get it to work with Duplicay?

Here is the information it needs:
Service Provider: Amazon (or compatible)
Region: east-us-1
Access ID:
Access Key:

For the love of God, pretty please make the documentation clearer :smiley: LOL

The url format is described here:

Then check documentation for the init command. It’s pretty straightforward, not specific to filebase. At what point things fail for you? You may want to add -d flag to get extended diagnostic.

First try to use Cyberduck or similar tool to access the bucket to ensure you have correct paths, URLs, and credentials

Thanks. I will try the -d flag.

All of my stuff is fine I think. Using the same paths, creds, etc it works fine with restic or rclone.

When I first started using Duplicacy (CLI edition), I found the following official wiki articles very helpful. I recommend referencing them in the order listed below:

  1. Select your desired storage backend: Storage Backends
  2. Select a method of configuring user credentials: Managing Passwords
  3. How to initialize a repository and storage: init