Identify chunks configuration from the storage or preferences

Is there any way to identify chunks configuration (average, min, max) from the storage (encrypted) or preferences (keyring, cache, etc)?

If you pass the -d option to any command it will show detailed information about the storage. For example:

> duplicacy -d list
Storage set to /AcrosyncTest/storage
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_PASSWORD
Reading password from keychain/keyring
Using 16384 iterations for key derivation
Chunk read levels: [1], write level: 1
Compression level: 100
Average chunk size: 4194304
Maximum chunk size: 16777216
Minimum chunk size: 1048576
Chunk seed: b3b59a5d107b5aadb61218b0423e38f197c7b57d7c0fd2da635438fcb2784cd0
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_PASSWORD
id: test, revisions: [], tag: , showFiles: false, showChunks: false
Listing revisions for snapshot test
