IDrive e2 wrong cert


I used IDrive e2 now for 2 days and it went well till now. But today, one of my 4 duplicacy backups is no longer connecting because of wrong cert message. I checked it on the same machine with an S3 explorer and also in Browser - it worked and has a valid cert.

Message from duplicacy (removed private information):

Running check command from C:\ProgramData/.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/all
Options: [-log check -storage BUCKETNAME -a -tabular]
2022-08-09 17:19:52.489 INFO STORAGE_SET Storage set to s3://
2022-08-09 17:19:53.058 ERROR STORAGE_CONFIG Failed to download the configuration file from the storage: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Head x509: certificate is valid for *, *, not
Failed to download the configuration file from the storage: RequestError: send request failed

First part of the endpoint was changed to e123, also bucketname was changed to BUCKETNAME.

Can someone help please?

You’d need to run your command with -d option (debug) to see any useful information on what is going on.

There isn’t really more output. For me I think the cert check is doing some mistages as it says that “” is not matching the wildcard. The wildcard should match “BUCKETNAME.e123” - maybe duplicacy is checking that wrong?!?

Running check command from C:\ProgramData/.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/all
Options: [-log -debug check -storage BUCKETNAME -a -tabular]
2022-08-09 19:43:48.906 INFO STORAGE_SET Storage set to s3://
2022-08-09 19:43:48.928 DEBUG PASSWORD_ENV_VAR Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_BUCKETNAME_S3_ID
2022-08-09 19:43:48.928 DEBUG PASSWORD_ENV_VAR Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_BUCKETNAME_S3_SECRET
2022-08-09 19:43:48.928 DEBUG PASSWORD_ENV_VAR Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_BUCKETNAME_PASSWORD
2022-08-09 19:43:49.497 ERROR STORAGE_CONFIG Failed to download the configuration file from the storage: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Head x509: certificate is valid for *, *, not
Failed to download the configuration file from the storage: RequestError: send request failed

Hm strange, it is now working again without any changes. I think the fault was at IDrive. So can be closed - thx for your help.

Possible reason: After it worked again, I saw that the new certificate was completely new. Maybe the certificate before was cached and outdated.